

Selection of Writing

An Encounter on the Roof

When I learned of Mladen’s death, I didn’t have any emotional reactions. It was a December evening when I opened Facebook without giving it too much thought. Often when I’m supposed to be productive, I open a few apps on my phone only to realize that I don’t get anything apart from trivial updates that keep me entertained for a few seconds.

I always think it is difficult to do a self-reflection, as it forces one to take a step back from the comfortable position of the observer and redirect the spotlight to oneself. While I initially felt a strong aversion to this exam question, why should my personal attitudes matter for a grade, upon closer reflection, I increasingly realized how crucial this skill is.

Eine internationale Gemeinschaft von Kunstschaffenden und eine autonome Zone – das verspricht das Ruinendorf Bussana Vecchia. Als einzige Ortschaft Italiens, neben Venedig, bietet Bussana auch virtuelle Spaziergänge via Google Street View. Bereits Walter Benjamin besuchte Bussana Vecchia und 70 Jahre später Michail Gorbatschow. Was hat es mit diesem kleinen Dorf auf sich?